People, it seems, regard the present as a watershed moment at which they have finally become the person they will be for the rest of their lives.
–Quoidbach, Jordi, et al. “The End of History Illusion.” Science, vol. 339, no. 96, 2012.
First principles
Each year I stumble upon shining new axioms, only to realize a year later that they were those of a child. Who I think I am, what my aspirations are, why I make the decisions I do—these kernels of self are being continuously swept away into obsolescence.
This is neither good nor bad. But it does make an “About” section a bit of a Sisyphean exercise.
In March 2017, I started this blog as a proof-of-concept, both for myself and others. I wanted to learn how to host a website, and to demonstrate my writing ability as I transitioned from software engineering to technical writing.
In that sense, I succeeded. A blog is a shiny new toy. I’d tapped some well of inspiration, and at first the thoughts flowed lucid and swift.
But wheels wobble, the boulder slides, and friction eventually gets you on the wrong side of inertia. Once I began writing for a living, I stopped writing about my life. How’s that for a predictably ironic character arc?
The road goes ever on
Maintenance is no easy task. Arguably, it is the bulk of life and true art. Yet there is also something to be said for the natural ebb and flow, the rising and falling breath, the sinusoidal self.
Though I’ve been on hiatus, I’ve learned a lot. Rereading my old entries, I wonder at the person I was then, and at who I will be, thinking these same thoughts months from now, for this iteration of me.
So–what holds true?
It is an ongoing WIP!
This site was originally forked from the TaylanTatli/Moon Jekyll theme.